June 24, 2011

Bangga jadi Indonesia!

Haha, entah kenapa gue mau nge-post ini di blog... Setelah membaca blog salah satu teman gue tentang ke-PAS-an dalam hidupnya minggu lalu, terus gue kepingin aja gitu untuk nulis ini... #ganyambung

Hmm, entahlah, tapi yang pasti, gue bangga aja gitu jadi orang Indonesia (walaupun tetep sih mimpi gue pengen tinggal di luar negeri dan kalau bisa jadi warga negara sono :p)

Hmm, kenapa gue bangga jadi Indonesia? Alasannya:
  1. PAS lagi ada Djarum Indonesia Open Premier Super Series 2011...
  2. PAS lagi banyak nih kasus-kasus TKI di luar negeri, mulai dari Mbak Ruyati yang dipancung, Mbak Darsem yang harus bayar 4,7 Miliar (deadline 7 Juli) kalau gak yah dipancung juga, mulai dari Mbak siapa gitu yang di Malaysia (TKW tapi lulus S1 Universitas Terbuka dengan nilai terbaik, awesome!), de el el...
  3. PAS 2 hari setelah ultahnya kota Jakarta dan pas aja lagi Jakarta Fair...
  4. PAS aja gue kepikiran sama kain batik, kain ulos, kain songket...
  5. PAS aja lagi ada Pemilihan abang None Jakarta dan banyak senior gue yang ikut...
  6. PAS aja gue lagi bangga-bangganya sama Indonesia...
  7. Hmm, kayanya udah PAS dech alasan gue ini... :p
Ya kira-kira gitu deh alasannya gue lagi jatuh cinta jadi orang Indonesia (tapi tetep cita-cita sih jadi WN Perancis, Inggirs, ataupun Jerman, HAHAHA... :D)

Ya udah deh, sampai ketemu di posting berikutnya (mungkin setelah JMUN, apaan tuh? dan ke Hongkong, Shenzhen, Macau *ceritanya sombong* :p)

Zai Jian!

June 17, 2011

The Edge of Glory

Pas pertama kali denger lagu ini di Finalnya American Idol Season 10, entah kenapa langsung suka sama lagu ini, tapi bukan karena yang nyanyi itu Lady Gaga, terus karena nadanya asyik (yah, sbenernya sih enak juga :D), tapi......

KARENA rasa-rasanya si Lady Gaga, nyanyiin lagu ini dengan sangat tulus dan penghayatan yang maksimal... Haha, tapi bener deh, lagu ini buat diriku ini merinding kalau lagi didengerin.. #lebay :p

Ya udah, tak usah berlama-lama lagi, inilah dia, Queen of Hope and Bravery, Lady Gaga with The Edge of Glory...
The Edge of Glory
Lady Gaga (2011)


There ain't a reason you and me should be alone
Tonight, yeah baby
Tonight, yeah baby
But I got a reason that you're who should take me home tonight

I need a man that thinks it right when it's so wrong,
Tonight yeah baby
Tonight, yeah baby
Right on the limit's where we know we both belong tonight

It's hot to feel the rush,
To brush the dangerous
I'm gonna run back to, to the edge with you
Where we can both fall far in love.

I'm on the edge of glory,
And I'm hanging on a moment of truth,
I'm on the edge of glory,
And I'm hanging on a moment with you,
I'm on the edge
The edge (6x)
I'm on the edge of glory
And I'm hanging on a moment with you
I'm on the edge with you

Another shot, before we kiss the other side,
Tonight, yeah baby
Tonight, yeah baby
I'm on the edge of something final we call life tonight
Alright, alright

Put on your shades 'cause I'll be dancing in the flames
Tonight, yeah baby
Tonight, yeah baby
It isn't Hell if everybody knows my name
Tonight, alright, alright

It's hot to feel the rush,
To brush the dangerous
I'm gonna run back to, to the edge with you
Where we can both fall far in love.

I'm on the edge of glory,
And I'm hanging on a moment of truth,
Out on the edge of glory,
And I'm hanging on a moment with you,
I'm on the edge
The edge (6x)
I'm on the edge of glory
And I'm hanging on a moment with you
I'm on the edge with you

I'm on the edge with you

I'm on the edge with you

I'm on the edge of glory,
And I'm hanging on a moment of truth,
I'm on the edge of glory,
And I'm hanging on a moment with you,
I'm on the edge
The edge (6x)
I'm on the edge of glory
And I'm hanging on a moment with you
I'm on the edge with you
With you (4x)
I'm on the edge with you
With you (4x)
I'm on the edge with you
With you (4x)
I'm on the edge with you
With you (4x) 

June 9, 2011

JUNE's always kind to ME!

I know it's too early for writing a post again, but I really really want to write now! Because of what? Because it's June already and I love June very much... :)

What do I love from this sixth month of a year?? Hmm, a lot, but what I love the most is the happiness that June gives to me every year (I hope so forever).. :D

First of all, let's talk about the month itself from the points (I took it from Wikipedia) :)
  • June is the sixth month of the year in Julian and Gregorian calendars
  • In Ovid's poem, there are 2 etymologies for June's name: first is from Roman goddess, Juno (equivalent to Greek goddess, Hera), the goddess of marriage and second is from Latin word iuniores (younger ones) opposed to May's one, maiores (elder)
  • In the Northern hemisphere, the beginning of the meteorological summer is 1 June. In the Southern hemisphere, the beginning of the meteorological winter is 1 June
  •  In both common and leap years, no other month begins on the same day of the week as June. This month and May are the only two months that have this property. June ends on the same day of the week as March every year (Okay, you can read more in Wikipedia, hehe... :D)

 Coming into the happiness that June always gives to me:
  • I was born in June! What a gift! (at what date? It's a secret :D)
  • June is always being a month of holiday, isn't it? :D
  • In June 2010, I got my university, medical faculty! Yippie.. (Okay, actually, it's just ordinary)
  • In June 2011, I'll go to my first Model United Nations (MUN), seriously I don't know anything about this.. (Maybe I'll make a post about this later)
  • This year, I'll celebrate my birthday with a test too! That's only in June.. O.M.G.!!
  • In each June, I'll get new experiences, bad or good, but all of them are GREAT!

June 8, 2011

Setahun kemarin....

Okay, judulnya memang sama seperti judul lagu Kahitna, tapi di sini saya tidak akan mem-post video dan lirik lagu lagi (apalagi nyanyi!!)... *Keep wishing, I know I have good voice, haha... :p*

Judul ini hanya ingin menggambarkan bahwa ternyata tepat hari ini, saya setahun jadi anak kedokteran di sebuah universitas negeri ternama yang katanya ada di peringkat 6 ASEAN dan 50 Asia (tapi jujur masih banyak kekecewaan saya untuk universitas tercinta ini karena kalau sudah cinta harusnya saya mampu berbuat sesuatu untuk universitas ini juga, khan?)...

Ya, tahun lalu, tepatnya 8 Juni 2010, saya sedang menunggu pengumuman tes masuk ke universitas ini, dari pagi ga' berhenti di depan laptop cuma ingin membuang kegalauan dan kegundahan hati... :D
Dari pagi sampai malam (exactly 20.00 WIB), ga; berhenti-berhentinya berdoa, buka youtube mendengarkan gatha (semacam paritta/doa-doa yang dilagukan), sampai akhirnya datanglah saat-saat itu...

PENGUMUMAN bahwa aku, saya, gue masuk ke fakultas kedokteran universitas tercinta ini...

Yang paling saya ingat adalah saya langsung teriak (nada dasarnya F7 kali, lebih tinggi dari teriakan Pia Toscano pas audisi pertama American Idol season 10, :D) dan membangunkan adikku tercinta yang lagi tidur... Habis itu, telepon papah mamah tercinta yang lagi ngelayat dan telpon kakak kelas sampai akhirnya ga' bisa tidur-tidur... :D

Udah ah, kepanjangan kayanya posting-an ini dan mulai menuju ke arah yang tidak jelas.. Sekian :)

*Sedikit screenshot aja dari website universitas itu... I Love this university (almost!)*