September 28, 2011

F-riendship F-amily F-orever (FFF)

Huh, finally I can go to my blog again, only for scratching my paws again... :)

Actually, I have promised to some of friends to write about AMSEP (What is AMSEP? Later, I'll tell all of you here) and I don't know why I think about these words for the title, FRIENDSHIP and FAMILY...

I know, first, I'll tell what is AMSEP.. AMSEP stands for Asian Medical Students Exchange Program, this event is held and managed by Asian Medical Student's Association (AMSA). Luckily, I have opportunity to join this event last August till early September... I went to Sabah, Malaysia, Land below the wind... I found FUN, FRIENDSHIP, and FAMILY here and this feeling lasts till now (and I hope forever)...

Okay, AMSEP has finished approximately 22 days ago, but I don't know why, I still can remember all the fun, lessons of life, experiences, love, proximities that I got there.. I miss those moments till now, but I know life must go on... :) For me, it's a great opportunity to go to Sabah, to meet all the Malaysians, Indonesians co-delegate and also the Philippines there...

At first, I still feel that I can't blend with the others there, so I'm more in silent mode.. Haha, but it turns out better and better.. I can be myself (going crazier and crazier, bouncing! Woohoo!, Partygoers?! but lots of FUN).. I still remember all the tours, hospital visits and being Santa Claus, Mamak Cafe, fried noodles, Giant 1Borneo, singing on the sidewalk and in supermarket, bouncing inside someone's (Thx for Mr. Wai Leong and Ms. Karleen, hope your relationship long lasts forever) car, or maybe snorkeling in Gaya Island... I love all moments and it become more and more loveable BECAUSE ALL OF YOU GUYS! Haha, new friends even new family!

I still and will always remember this song:
Bouncing along like a pingpong ball
Bouncing along like a pingpong ball
Bouncing along like a pingpong ball
Just like a pingpong ball....
(Courtesy of Mr. JP) :D

I will remember Ithran (son of Dr. Kho, great roommate, and it's so hard to spell your name at first), Mel (Melephant, all bad words in Tagalog/Filipino, craziness), Tutti (your polvoron is the best because it's the most expensive one *it's said by Mel* :p), Kristine the Cinderella without glass shoes, Ice the Jungle Girl, you're rocks!, and Christian (I remember about your allergy to rice, someday I won't serve rice to you! :D)

I will also remember all the Malaysians (hard to write it one by one, but I'll try!) and also Gundohing Mr. Henry Bating who has taught me to say Kopiwasian and Kounsikou (I only remember those words!) and also all the J3J3L4YZzzzz! Hahaha.. *start trying*

Thx to Wai Leong and Karleen (again?!) for taking me from Lapangan Terbang Antarabangsa Kinabalu and also for letting me QUESTION-ing or bouncing in your car! :p
I'll remember the Three Musketeers, the romantic couple, Rodtney and Kim, also Edith who has accompanied me and the others during day 1 (love the Hongkong Restaurant moments, buying DiGi and paying it with one ringgit(s)! and I still remember your photo in ID Card, Edith! :p)
I'll remember KK and TTS (love the acronym of your name, guys! We still love KK and keep playing the stupid games, TTS)
I'll remember Wing Hoh and Kay Mint, the sweetest couple along the beach, thx to Wing Hoh that has told us to see Mt. Kinabalu from third floor of Kampung D block H...
I'll remember Soo, my twin and master of food?! Haha... Sharlinna and her great voices (love the Because You Loved Me in YoYo Cafe)... Obed and the June 15 federation also all the messages in Facebook! Hahaha... Also Elvy! (I almost forget you *just kidding* :p)
JP with the Pingpong Song (record it and sell in iTunes!) and also the Hmmmmmm..... Kenneth and all the confused expressions during play the stupid games... Azizan and Warie for your kindness.. Haha.. Siong and AngryBirds or playing sands on the beach! Eddie, Arjun, PokPok, and Santhiya! I still remember all those moments with you, guys!
Also Way Ti, Liow and Yong Leh! Haha... Oh, also Neo and Ker Cyin! Hmm, I'll remember Goh too! Hehehe... :p
Also with Chun Liang, Foo and Foo 2.0 (haha, hard to make different name for you), Bao Ling and Wei Bin, also Jeremy! Maybe I haven't spoken a lot with some of you, guys! But, I still and will remember all of you, guys! Or maybe if I forget any names, I'm sorry, but it's so hard to mention it one by one here... :p But, really I still remember all those moments with you guys during the AMSEP UMS! :)

Last but not least, I'll remember all of Indonesian co-delegates! Andrian, Mozes (eventhough I don't remember you, we still in same university -___-, hahaha), Michelle (have fun in Japan! Come back soon =D), Mbak Annie (greet to your kokoh!), Yusuf 'Akellyou!', Fikry Afgan, Okto (always remember the Jai Ho! :p), Dewa, and Yufi (success for your HNMUN 2012, hope I can join it in 2013!) Thx guys! I hope we can meet again somewhere, some day! (except Andrian and Mozes, hahahaha)

Last words! I miss all of you guys! Keep in touch and really from the bottom of my heart, I want to say "Thank You, Terima Kasih, Kounsikou, Salamat!" You have filled my life journey with colorful lines and shapes! :) Hope we can meet again and success with all of your own works, guys! =D

Thank you AMSEP UMS 2011 for Philippines and Indonesia!

Warm greetings,
Eka Satya Nugraha


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